Tag: productivity (page 2 of 4)

Grit is the Key to Success: Do You Have it?

Grit: The Secret Ingredient to Success

What is Grit? According to Psychologist Angela Duckworth in a Ted Talk video – “Grit is passion and perseverance for very long-term goals. Grit is having stamina. Grit is sticking with your future, day in, day out, not just for the week, not just for the month, but for years, and working really hard to make that future a reality. Grit is living life like it’s a marathon, not a sprint.” Duckworth has been studying this fascinating trait for more than a decade now and has tons of research that shows grit being the best predictor or success.


Grit then it seems, is more important than talent and intelligence. The consistency of striving for your goal and pushing through no matter what matters the most than being a genius.

In case you’re wondering if you have “True Grit”, here are characteristics to see how you measure up to it:

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Process of Starting New Habits

Routines make our life easier. If you had to think hard doing the most mundane of things like brushing our teeth or putting on slippers, our brains will be on overload and our willpower will tire out easily.

Automation of behavior saves us brain and will power. Habits are powerful as it helps us streamline mundane decisions, saving our mental capacity and energy for more complicated ones.

Forming new habits and leaving behind old ones can be quite a pickle. If it was that easy, then everyone will follow through with their New Year’s resolutions. Tricky as it maybe, it can be done. You just need to understand first the basics behind the science of habit-forming.

Building a habit has a process which the scientists call the “habit loop.” It has 3 parts; a cue, a routine and a reward. Say for example, using toothpaste. Nobody used it about a hundred years ago. But a certain guy named Claude Hopkins introduced its concept via the habit loop.

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How to Add Pictures to your Notes on both your iPad and iPhone

A picture is worth a thousand words. It contains a visual information that you might not clearly get from a note, making it quite a helpful feature. For interior designers, architects, event managers and related occupation, such a function will be quite beneficial in easily showing and emailing your colleagues and clients about a certain venue, decoration or other relevant information.

You can easily attach pictures to your notes on Daily Notes, both on iPad and iPhone.


Here’s how you do it on your iPad:

1. Tap on the “Add” icon on the bottom toolbar.

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Mimic Productive Habits of Successful People

Success doesn’t come overnight to most people. It takes years of hard work, talent, sometimes connections and luck to get where you want to be. But most importantly, it takes a productive set of habits to slowly but surely reach your goal and become a winner in your field.

Here are some of the productive habits of successful people that you might want to emulate in your life:

1. Get up early

Most CEOs and people of high positions all attest to getting up and starting early. Not only because you can do more but because our brains are sharpest two and a half to four hours after waking. So start that habit of getting ahead by rising early.

2. Have a plan.

“What good shall I do today?” Asking yourself this question keeps you focus on your life goals or even the shorter ones and makes you feel more accomplished by the end of the day.

  • You can create tasks right on Daily Notes. Schedule them as a one-time or recurring task if you prefer and check off your accomplishments by the end of the day – 

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