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Visit iTunes to look for more awesome reviews from users themselves, on Daily Notes.
Download the Daily Notes App ($5.99 only)
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Want to get rid of all those paper cluttering your home and office? We bring you tips & techniques on how to go paperless in your daily life:
Use a note taking app. Do you constantly want to lug around several, heavy notebooks? Just use one, neat compact device, say an iPhone or iPad and use that to create and store all your notebooks via the Ultimate Note Taking Pack. For handwritten notes, you can turn to Noteshelf. For days when you don’t feel like writing, record those lectures or meetings using Daily Notes.
Finishing important tasks creates a feeling of accomplishment, giving you more motivation to plough through the secondary projects and lesser requirements.
Prioritize tasks by organising its urgency and scope. Lay it out on a paper or for a more convenient way, log it in Daily Notes.
On Daily Notes, you can prioritize tasks, from low, medium and high. You can also easily what needs to be finished for the day, when is its due date and those that are pending. You can easily move a tasks around, depending on its urgency and your schedule.
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