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Mimic Productive Habits of Successful People

Success doesn’t come overnight to most people. It takes years of hard work, talent, sometimes connections and luck to get where you want to be. But most importantly, it takes a productive set of habits to slowly but surely reach your goal and become a winner in your field.

Here are some of the productive habits of successful people that you might want to emulate in your life:

1. Get up early

Most CEOs and people of high positions all attest to getting up and starting early. Not only because you can do more but because our brains are sharpest two and a half to four hours after waking. So start that habit of getting ahead by rising early.

2. Have a plan.

“What good shall I do today?” Asking yourself this question keeps you focus on your life goals or even the shorter ones and makes you feel more accomplished by the end of the day.

  • You can create tasks right on Daily Notes. Schedule them as a one-time or recurring task if you prefer and check off your accomplishments by the end of the day – 

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Daily Notes Getting Started Guide

New to Daily Notes? Here’s a basic explanation on how it works.


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Using Daily Notes as a Time Management App

Mastering time management will make a big difference not only in your work life but also in your personal one as well. It’s a ongoing process that would require discipline, commitment and of course, the right tools.

You can actually create your very own time management system right in Daily Notes by doing the following:

Compartmentalize your activities or goals.
Create a Tab for each aspect of your life or goals. Label them accordingly, eg. make a tab for your goals: Lose Weight. Create another tab for your Work. A third one for your Projects and so on and so forth.

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How to Organize Your Life with Daily Notes

Becoming organized has never been more important especially at this fast paced, multi-tasking life. The overwhelming everyday schedules and the occasional impromptu events seems more manageable, giving you more control on how to handle your time and bringing you closer to your goals. It leads to more productivity, less stress and more time for yourself and your family.

Daily Notes can help you get organized. Here’s how:

Organize Your Life: Categorize
Start by thinking about the different aspects of your life and separating them by “Tabs” in Daily Notes. Tabs are like folders, where you can organize your notes, photos, sketches, PDFs and even audio recordings.

Below are a few examples for Tabs:

  • Create a Tab for work, where you can place all your meeting notes, project documents and client meeting recordings.

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