Tag: motivation

Finding Time to Write in Your Journal

It’s easy to start a journal. You can just purchase a traditional paper journal or download Daily Notes, write your first entry and boom, you’ve got yourself a journal. But maintaining and writing on it on a daily basis is the hard part. You become too busy, you forget, you lose the motivation, you don’t know what to write but it all simply boils down to not allocating some time in your day to do your journaling.

It’s not hard but it won’t be an easy journey either but you can start with the following tips to find some time to write:

Schedule it
Block off some to write. Treat it like an important appointment. Think of the best time where you can take care of your appointment to write. Add that to your to-do list and schedule a reminder beforehand everyday.

Tip: Add it in your to-do lists in Daily Notes by tapping on Tasks > +ADD

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How Journaling Can Change Your Life

Journaling has been always considered as therapeutic. It helps you better understand yourself and the world around you but did you know that, the daily simple act of writing about your thoughts has a lot more mental and physical rewards? Here’s a list of how journaling can change your life:

Journaling boosts our creativity

Writing what we really feel is raw, spontaneous and true. And in that intuitive writing, in that unrestrictive, nonjudgemental condition is where we feel more free, child-like and honest. That’s where creativity stems from. Julia Cameron, bestselling author or “The Artist’s Way” attest to this fact and encourages writing every day. It’s just like brainstorming in your head, shutting up inner critics and doing a “brain dump” and see those creative thoughts flow.

Journaling can motivate you more.

Suppose you wrote a few months ago how scared and apprehensive you were of trying out a certain activity. If you’ve managed to conquer that fear and if you’ve managed to succeed in doing it, reading your progress in your journal becomes more fulfilling, pushing you more to try new things. It will motivate you more, making you think “Hey, that wasn’t bad, lets try something new again.”

– You can easily read past entries in Daily Notes via the calendar or tagging function. – 

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The Key to Balancing Your Life Effectively: Compartmentalization

There would some point in one’s life where you will become a parent/ employee/ boss/ caregiver/ teacher/ accountant/ marketer and more, all at the same time. You have to deal with all these tasks and responsibilities all at once and it will become a struggle when you can’t balance the different areas of your life.

This is where compartmentalisation comes handy. It’s a “divide and conquer” process that allows us to wear multiple hats in a day to tackle and finish different responsibilities and tasks.

Compartmentatlization involves the following steps:

  1. Categorizing the different aspects of your life.
  2. List down all the tasks involved in every aspect.
  3. Set a time limit to focus on one aspect.
  4. Finish tasks in small, regular steps. 
  5. Once you see some progress, move to the next aspect.


Organize the different aspects of your life. Home, work, hobbies, parents, redecoration, think of the different parts of your life that you tackle regularly. Create a tab for each in Daily Notes and label them accordingly, eg. blue tab for WORK, green tab for PERSONAL, purple tab for PERSONAL, etc.

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