Tag: compartmentalize

Adventurer, Scientist, Mountain Leader and more: Huw James on Daily Notes

Tell us your background.

My name is Huw James, an Adventurer, Scientist and Presenter from South Wales, UK. My background is in Astronomy and Space Science and am now a professional Science Communicator. My job is breaking down complex science into understandable chunks in the hope of inspiring a new generation of curious minds. Was born and raised in the Welsh valleys and still live here, though I get to travel a lot so it’s nice to come home after every trip!

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How to use Daily Notes as a Planner

A planner is a must if you want to stay sane and organized. It’s a great life management tool that enables you to keep track of your day by taking note of your appointments, events, tasks and more. Franklin Planners are a classic sample of such a powerful amenity, letting you also add your notes.

You might be fond of your planner but maybe, you’re now looking for a modern version, an app with some similar features, that you can use both on your iPhone and iPad devices. You can actually turn Daily Notes into that beloved, classic time management tool.

Here are some ways of turning Daily Notes into your very own Planner.

1. Create multiple sections.
Daily Notes has Tabs, which acts as sections, similar to a Planner. In these Tabs, you can sort and keep your notes, photos, even PDF attachments, sketches and voice recordings. Set up multiple Tabs for the different aspect of your life: Work, Personal, Projects, Workshops and more. You can even set up a Tab for your Master Tasks lists. You can also have a Tab for Addresses and Contact Information, just like a Planner.

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Mimic Productive Habits of Successful People

Success doesn’t come overnight to most people. It takes years of hard work, talent, sometimes connections and luck to get where you want to be. But most importantly, it takes a productive set of habits to slowly but surely reach your goal and become a winner in your field.

Here are some of the productive habits of successful people that you might want to emulate in your life:

1. Get up early

Most CEOs and people of high positions all attest to getting up and starting early. Not only because you can do more but because our brains are sharpest two and a half to four hours after waking. So start that habit of getting ahead by rising early.

2. Have a plan.

“What good shall I do today?” Asking yourself this question keeps you focus on your life goals or even the shorter ones and makes you feel more accomplished by the end of the day.

  • You can create tasks right on Daily Notes. Schedule them as a one-time or recurring task if you prefer and check off your accomplishments by the end of the day – 

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What Do Marketers, Lawyers, Policemen, Housewifes and more have in Common?

Daily Notes.

Ever wondered how other individuals utilizes Daily Notes? Here are some insights from our users themselves from the iTunes Store:

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Win a promo code to use Daily Notes app for FREE!

That’s right, we’re giving away Daily Notes promo codes so you can get it, absolutely FREE! Do either of the following for a chance to win a promo code:

1. Facebook. 

Like our Daily Notes Facebook page then “like” and “share” our Daily Notes promo code post.image
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